non-Colwood and non-IGW REIT LP Updates

Please update this post with all information not related to IGW REIT or Colwood as I lack the time and knowledge to research them all.


(Note: I did some research for friends two or so years ago to analyze their IGW REIT and Colwood investments. Some got out, many did not but some at least were prevented from investing.

May this blog prevent other potential investors to be smarter, and may it help those invested find closure and/or pursue lawsuits or other remedies.)

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2 Responses to non-Colwood and non-IGW REIT LP Updates

  1. Pat says:

    A fee extraction scheme with questionable ethics, questionable business model and questionable securities selling practices.

    Where would money come from to investors ? What underlying business can deliver income or return of the invested money ?

  2. Cherry says:

    Just back from vacation to find two e-mails from League: one to the effect that the distributions on the IGW IPU’s won’t be paid quarterly as promissed (and in fact won’t be paid at all), and another to say that distributions on the Duncan Mall notes – which were the only ones that I was actually receiving – will stop too. Lots of crocodile tears – “we know you rely on the income” etc.
    It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.

    I’m not sure of the significance of the latest ruling by BCSC, but I see that the “re-organisation” is now re-scheduled into the New Year. I would that League would just declare bankruptcy – then we just MIGHT get some money (but not a lot) out of it.

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